Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What is Gun Violence? What can we do to stop it? Let me show you

I noticed that gun violence has been happening recently and people are trying to prevent it. I've noticed that more people such as citizens in Chicago have been worrying about the gun violence increasing. I read an article about gun violence and I found things that were interesting.

Gun violence has been happening for a long time. Chicago can be an example of a place that has gun violence. It occurs a lot and this year has had the most shootings. Chicago Bulls star Dwayne Wade called the gun laws "weak". What he means is that the people of Chicago are getting killed and no ones doing anything about it. That's what people like me are trying to do, prevent gun violence.

The article also talks about the gun laws that Chicago has. Dwayne Wade said "They are fighting a war" about the Chicago police. Dwayne Wade cares about his hometown and wants to make a difference but he can't do it alone. According to the article "Wade criticizes Chicago gun laws" Dwayne Wade said "But I think my purpose at the end of the day is hopefully to come to Chicago and be a part of the voice that can help bring people together."

Gun violence happens everywhere and hasn't stopped. The U.S have been fighting against the group called Isis and they use gun violence. Gun violence sometimes needs to be need like the fight the U.S has. What I'm trying to do is prevent it and there's many ways to do it.

According to the article "What Will it Take to Stop Gang Violence in Chicago” it says that the gun laws should be more strict. Every country should have strict gun laws because it can prevent violence. What the American Physchological Association said is that you can "contact your member of congress" which can help by telling them to what you can do to prevent it.

There has been videos and articles that have been talking about the police brutality and the black lives matter program. These things have some things involving gun violence. It's been happening mostly in the United States and people are worried that the police are going to do something to them. People have protest about this situation and want the police officers who made gun violence to others arrested.What this topic is about is preventing violence and keeping people safe. It's affecting many people and it need to stop. Try to help with this situation and learn more about it to prevent it.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

My favorite quote

My favorite quote is "Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." By Michael Jordan. What this quote means to me is that I need to keep going with what I'm trying to achieve to make things happen. I like this quote because it motivates me and tells me that  I can accomplish things if I really try. This quote was from my idol who I want to someday meet. This is my favorite quote.