Monday, April 17, 2017

Spring Break

   One thing I mainly did in spring break was play basketball. Everyday I went to play basketball at least longer than 2 hours. I played basketball all break because I obviously like the sport but also to improve and see what I need to work on in order to get better. In most days of the break I played basketball with my friends and practiced with them. I practiced the whole spring break because I know that it will help me persevere on getting better and making a career out of basketball. I wished spring break was longer but I knew that eventually I'm going to have to go back to school.

Life is Beautiful

     The connections I made between the movie and the readings is they both involve with World War II. They same events they have is that the Jews were sent to the concentration camps to work and if they don't then they get killed. They both show how the people were sent into the concentration camps and how crowded they were in the transportations. What I found different was that they let the some of the peoples kids stay in the little rooms with their fathers but in some of the websites i saw said that the children would be in another place without their parents. The main characters had the same situations as some of the people in the Holocaust literatures because they both had to go to concentration camps and they both had to work for the Nazis because if they don't, they'll get killed.

In some parts of the movie it had the same sad tone as the readings but not all of it. Sometimes the mood or tone of the movie was joyful and funny but most of it was sad because of how the people were treated. Most movies of WWII aren't supposed to have a good set of tone but this movie found a way to make the movie draw attention to the audience. The father of the kid made the situation a game for his son to not get scared of what's happening. He changed his sons tone by telling him that nothing bad was happening and that he'll win a tank if he doesn't get caught.

Life is shown beautiful by showing how the father falls in love with his wife and how he didn't give up on her even when she was about to get married with someone's else she didn't like. They eventually have a kid which shows that life is beautiful. Another way is that the people who survived are thankful for it and love life because they still have it. The U.S army also shows that life is beautiful by the movie showing that the soldiers are happy and celebrating that they won the war. The whole movies explains about life by explaining how  the war is the rough and really difficult times. They show that at the end, life is beautiful and people need to remember that. If you want to know more about the movie here's a website that you can go to see what it's about If you want to see the movie here's the link